Tha Guardian a’ moladh an t-Sleigh agus an Fhèidh Lochlannach ann an Harrogate

Tha Guardian a’ moladh an t-Sleigh agus an Fhèidh Lochlannach ann an Harrogate

Tha an Guardian air liosta a chuir ri chèile de shia de na “Rèithean as Fheàrr san RA airson na saor-làithean” agus chomharraich iad an Sleigh and Reindeer, a bhios mar as trice a’ malairt mar Coidse is Eich, ann am Pàirc an Iar mar aon dhiubh.

Thuirt neach-naidheachd an Guardian Phoebe Taplin: “Tha an taobh a-staigh gu ìre mhath gann, ach bidh fèidh Lochlannach agus easagan gleansach a’ brùthadh air falbh ann an oiseanan a ’bhàr, a’ sleamhnachadh sìos taobh na staidhre ​​​​agus a ’coimhead thairis air an taigh-bìdh shuas an staidhre, far a bheil clàr sònraichte a’ tabhann souffle wensleydale. le piorra fìon dearg air a phoidseadh agus turcaidh ròsta sage le mucan ann am plaideachan.

“Sìos an staidhre, bidh luchd-obrach ann an geansaidhean Nollaige a’ toirt seachad pìosan de phistachio agus bainne le blas cherry ris an canar Fairytale of Brew York.

Leughadh air a mholadh:

Tha an Guardian cuideachd a’ moladh toileachasan Nollaige eile anns a’ bhaile spà, a’ toirt a-steach na solais timcheall air an Stray, Fèill na Nollaige agus The Sweet Cane Specific. Choisinn Glow aig RHS Harlow Carr, an Harrogate Arms agus Stockeld Park iomradh cuideachd.

Thuirt Anthony Blundell, ceannard leasachadh gnìomhachais an taigh-seinnse, ris na meadhanan: “Tha sgioba Sleigh & Reindeers (Coach & Horses mar as trice) airidh air aithneachadh mar an taigh-seinnse as fèilliche san RA oir bidh iad a’ faireachdainn mar Latha na Nollaige gach latha bhon t-Samhain. 15 gu 8 Faoilleach.

An taobh a-muigh
An taobh a-muigh (Ìomhaigh: Dealbh air a thoirt seachad)

“Na h-oidhirpean iongantach a tha iad a’ dèanamh gus a bhith na fhèis a bharrachd leis an àireamh iongantach de sgeadachaidhean a-staigh agus a-muigh, na geansaidhean Nollaige agus adan Santas a bhios air an sgioba gu lèir, na deochan le cuspair na Nollaige agus an clàr bìdh. ”

Thuirt e: “Bidh sinn a’ dol cho saor-làithean oir bha sinn airson a bhith mar an t-àite airson a bhith a’ faireachdainn na Nollaige ann an Harrogate. Search engine marketing an dàrna bliadhna a tha sinn air an taigh-seinnse ath-ainmeachadh agus tha an reic air a dhol suas bliadhna an dèidh bliadhna air sgàth na h-oidhirpean a bharrachd agus mothachadh a tha a’ sìor fhàs.”

Am measg nan àiteachan eile a tha air an liostadh anns na 6 taighean-seinnse saor-làithean as fheàrr aig an Guardian air feadh na RA tha The Churchill Arms (Lunnainn), Taigh-òsta na Banrigh Bhictòria (Somerset), The Empress (Cambridge), The Dome (Dùn Èideann) agus The Marine (Eastbourne).

#Tha #Guardian #moladh #tSleigh #agus #Fhèidh #Lochlannach #ann #Harrogate

York Press | Information

#Tha #Guardian #moladh #tSleigh #agus #Fhèidh #Lochlannach #ann #Harrogate

, 2024-12-31 17:23:00

Pàipear-naidheachd Guardian a’ dearbhadh reic pàipear piuthar Didòmhnaich The Observer gu Tortoise Media

Pàipear-naidheachd Guardian a’ dearbhadh reic pàipear piuthar Didòmhnaich The Observer gu Tortoise Media

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Large Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Dhearbh sealbhadair pàipear-naidheachd British’s Guardian Diciadain gu bheil iad air an Observer, am pàipear-naidheachd Didòmhnaich as sine san t-saoghal, a reic ri Turtar Meadhanan airson cìs nach deach fhoillseachadh.

Thuirt Urras Scott, leis a bheil an Guardian Media Group, ann an aithris gu bheil Tortoise Media a’ ceannach an Observer tro mheasgachadh de airgead agus earrannan.

An Neach-amhairca chaidh a stèidheachadh ann an 1791 agus a thàinig gu bhith na phàirt den Guardian Media Group ann an 1993, na bhunait de luachan libearalach ann an cruth-tìre meadhanan Bhreatainn.

Chaidh Tortoise a chuir air bhog ann an 2019 le Seumas Harding, a bha na neach-deasachaidh air an Lunnainn Occasions agus stiùiriche naidheachdan a’ BhBC, agus seann thosgaire na SA a Lunnainn, Matthew Barzun.

Mar phàirt den aonta, tha Tortoise air aonta malairteach còig bliadhna aontachadh le GMG, a chì e pàigheadh ​​airson seirbheisean clò-bhualaidh is cuairteachaidh, a bharrachd air margaidheachd tron ​​Guardian. Bidh Urras Scott cuideachd a’ gabhail com-pàirt 9% ann an Tortoise Media agus a’ gealltainn 5 millean not ($ 6.3 millean) a-steach do Tortoise Media mar phàirt den tasgadh 25 millean not.

“Bidh an aonta search engine optimization a’ gleidheadh ​​​​tasgadh agus beachdan ùra don Neach-amhairc a bheir an tiotal gu luchd-èisteachd ùr agus a chuireas ris an àite a th’ aig naidheachdas libearalach sa chomann-shòisealta againn,” thuirt Ole Jacob Sunde, cathraiche Urras Scott.

Chaidh ainmeachadh cuideachd gun deach Lucy Rock ainmeachadh mar neach-deasachaidh clò an Observer, a’ chiad bhoireannach a bha os cionn a’ phàipear-naidheachd ann an 100 bliadhna. Bidh i ag obair còmhla ri neach-deasachaidh didseatach, fhad ‘s a bhios an Observer a’ togail a brannd air-loidhne fhèin. Bidh Rock ag aithris do Harding, a bhios na phrìomh neach-deasachaidh.

Tha luchd-naidheachd air feadh Buidheann Meadhanan Guardian air a dhol an aghaidh an reic a chaidh a mholadh, a thàinig gu crìch le stailc 48-uair na bu thràithe sa mhìos search engine optimization.

#Pàipearnaidheachd #Guardian #dearbhadh #reic #pàipear #piuthar #Didòmhnaich #Observer #Tortoise #Media

The Unbiased

#Pàipearnaidheachd #Guardian #dearbhadh #reic #pàipear #piuthar #Didòmhnaich #Observer #Tortoise #Media

By way of AP information wire , 2024-12-18 11:42:00


A bheil The Guardian agus The Observer gu bhith a’ dealachadh dhòighean?

Spy a 'Bhaile

Tha iad sin air a bhith o chionn beagan sheachdainean duilich ann am beatha Am Concern-gleidhidh. An toiseach, sguab Dòmhnall Trump gu cumhachd, a’ brosnachadh an neach-deasachaidh Katherine Viner gus comhairleachadh a thabhann don luchd-obrach. An uairsin, chaidh mòran den luchd-naidheachd aice air stailc airson dà latha, a’ gearan mu reic pàipear-naidheachd piuthar The Guardian, Ttha e na neach-amhairc air Tortoise Media. Chaidh an aonta aontachadh an t-seachdain sa chaidh le sealbhadair nan tiotalan, Guardian Media Group agus a phàrant, Urras Scott.

An toiseach, Trump. Thuirt Viner gum biodh an toradh “troimh-chèile dha mòran eile” a rèir “troimh-chèile dha mòran eile” a rèir làrach-lìn Guido Fawkes, ag ràdh: “Ma tha thu airson bruidhinn mu dheidhinn, tha do mhanaidsear agus buill den sgioba stiùiridh uile rim faighinn. , mar a tha sgioba nan Daoine. Tha cothrom ann cuideachd air seirbheisean taic an-asgaidh.” Às deidh dha a h-uile càil a dhèanamh, a thaobh deasachaidh, mu bhith a’ dèanamh a’ chùis air Trump, nach b’ urrainn a bhith nas diametrically an aghaidh The Guardian, bha còir aig a’ phàipear ugh a bhith air aodann. Chaidh a luchd-naidheachd a phronnadh, ach leigheas?

#bheil #Guardian #agus #Observer #bhith #dealachadh #dhòighean

The Commonplace

#bheil #Guardian #agus #Observer #bhith #dealachadh #dhòighean

Chris Blackhurst , 2024-12-10 19:41:00


Guardian urged to ‘press pause’ on Observer sale as extra strikes deliberate

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The pinnacle of the UK’s union motion has weighed in on the backlash over the sale of The Observer newspaper, urging its proprietor to “press pause” on the controversial transaction amid employees uproar forward of extra deliberate strikes subsequent.

Commerce Union Congress general-secretary Paul Nowak joined the condemnation from the Nationwide Union of Journalists on Friday, which led a employees strike within the lead-up to the deliberate sale by Guardian Media Group and the Scott Belief of the Sunday newspaper to start-up Tortoise Media.

The Observer is the world’s oldest Sunday newspaper and is a crucial a part of our media panorama,” Mr Nowak stated in a press release to The Impartial.

“It is extremely disappointing that Guardian Media Group and Scott’s Belief are fast-tracking this sale – regardless of widespread opposition from loyal employees. We urge Guardian Media Group and the Scott’s Belief to press pause and to hearken to its employees. It’s the very least they deserve.”

Workers have raised fears concerning the sustainability of the outlet beneath new possession, together with discussions on placing in a paywall, which the NUJ stated these in opposition to the merger believed would mute a “distinctive voice in Britain’s nationwide dialog”.

Paul Nowak, general-secretary of the TUC

Paul Nowak, general-secretary of the TUC (PA Archive)

Tortoise Media was launched in 2018 by former BBC govt and Instances editor James Harding and Matthew Barzun, a former US ambassador.

The beginning-up, which specialises in what it calls “sluggish information”, stated it has dedicated to safeguard journalistic freedom and the editorial independence of The Observer, enterprise to honour the “liberal values and journalistic requirements” of the Scott Belief in its editorial code.

The 2 days of strikes this week have been supported by plenty of politicians and well-known cultural figures together with Grayson Perry, Lemn Sissay, Anne Robinson, Michael Rosen and Stewart Lee, and backed by messages of help from stars together with Tilda Swinton, Maxine Peake and Armando Iannucci.

In a press release launched after 5pm on Friday, members of the Guardian and Observer NUJ chapel stated they have been “outraged to get up to information this morning that members of the Scott Belief had chosen to approve the deal whereas our motion was going down.”

“The choice to maneuver forward with the deal, in precept, underlined their refusal to tackle board the well-founded objections and energy of opposition from journalists and readers,” the chapel stated in a press release.

Nevertheless, Anna Bateson, chief govt of Guardian Media Group, assured employees the sale would defend the paper’s future, “making certain it could proceed producing distinctive liberal journalism, on-line and in print, for years to return.”

Mr Harding, editor and founding father of Tortoise, stated: “We’re honoured and excited on the prospect of working collectively to resume The Observer, a reputation that represents the most effective of liberal, pioneering journalism.

“We admire its temperament, each tolerant and humane. We love its urge for food for the humanities and, in fact, meals. We promise its readers we’ll do all we are able to to reside as much as its historical past as a defender of human dignity and to offer it a brand new lease of life as a strong, progressive voice on the earth.”

#Guardian #urged #press #pause #Observer #sale #strikes #deliberate

The Impartial

#Guardian #urged #press #pause #Observer #sale #strikes #deliberate

Angus Thompson and Alan Jones , 2024-12-06 18:36:00


Vince accuses Guardian proprietor of “untruth” over Observer strategy | Cash Information

Dale Vince, the activist and entrepreneur, has accused the house owners of The Guardian of telling “an entire untruth” about his curiosity in taking management of The Observer.

Talking to Sky Information, Mr Vince, who has in depth pursuits in inexperienced vitality and owns Forest Inexperienced Rovers Soccer Membership, stated his discussions with Guardian Media Group (GMG) had been misrepresented in a press release on Friday saying that the world’s oldest Sunday newspaper was being bought to Tortoise Media.

GMG and its proprietor, the Scott Belief, indicated that they’d acquired no credible different bids for The Observer and that Mr Vince had stated he can be eager about shopping for it provided that there was an issue concluding the cope with Tortoise Media.

On Friday afternoon, nonetheless, the entrepreneur denied that suggestion.

“I do not perceive why my curiosity within the Observer continues to be mischaracterised by the Guardian/Scott Belief,” he stated.

“Final week the board of the Belief have been advised I used to be solely eager about investing in Tortoise Media – an entire untruth.

“And now employees are being advised I used to be solely if the Tortoise deal fell via: that is additionally not true.

“I had a gathering with GMG’s chair [Charles Gurassa] some weeks in the past throughout which I defined my background, my curiosity, my capacity and intentions.

“I used to be advised exclusivity prevented a deeper dialog.

“I stated I understood and can be right here – prepared, keen and ready – if the deal fell via.

“It feels greater than a bit of disingenuous to say I used to be solely within the occasion of the deal failing – given I used to be advised that it was the one circumstance during which GMG may speak additional with me.

“[It is] a bit Catch-22 – am advised I am unable to bid after which it is stated I did not bid.”

Mr Vince’s remarks threaten to solid an additional shadow over the deal introduced on Friday, which is able to see the Scott Belief investing £5m in Tortoise Media and holding a board seat at The Observer’s new proprietor.

Journalists at The Guardian and Observer went on strike for 2 days this week in protest on the sale, which they stated represented a betrayal by the Scott Belief.

Workers have been understood to be holding an emergency chapel assembly on Friday afternoon to debate the potential for additional industrial motion.

In its announcement, the Scott Belief stated it anticipated to signal the cope with Tortoise Media inside days.

If it completes, it would see The Observer in new possession for the primary time because the early Nineties.

Based in 1791, it’s the oldest Sunday newspaper on this planet.

Its takeover by a digital media startup will underline the shifting dynamics sweeping the worldwide information media panorama.

GMG has been contacted for additional remark.

#Vince #accuses #Guardian #proprietor #untruth #Observer #strategy #Cash #Information

Enterprise Information – Markets studies and monetary information from Sky

#Vince #accuses #Guardian #proprietor #untruth #Observer #strategy #Cash #Information

, 2024-12-06 14:41:00


Guardian indicators controversial deal to promote The Observer to Tortoise Media | Cash Information

The proprietor of The Guardian is urgent forward with the sale of the world’s oldest Sunday newspaper to a fledgling digital media firm, simply hours after scores of journalists went on strike in protest on the deal.

Guardian Media Group (GMG) and its guardian, the Scott Belief, confirmed on Friday that the sale of The Observer to Tortoise Media – first-reported by Sky Information – would proceed.

As a part of the deal, the Scott Belief will change into one in all Tortoise Media’s largest shareholders, with a £25m funding in The Observer having been raised by the six year-old start-up.

The Scott Belief can even have a seat on the board Of Tortoise Media, which is chaired by Matthew Barzun, the US ambassador to the UK beneath President Obama.

Based in 1791, The Observer will change arms for the primary time since 1993 – with the deal accompanied by commitments to long-term stewardship by its new proprietor.

The deal has sparked huge controversy, nevertheless, with journalists throughout the newspaper’s present writer occurring strike for 2 days this week.

Numerous unidentified rival suitors have declared an curiosity in shopping for The Observer by means of letters despatched by authorized representatives, whereas the eco-entrepreneur, Dale Vince, has additionally acknowledged that he could be fascinated by buying it.

On Friday, the events stated the deal could be “accomplished and signed within the coming days”.

James Harding, editor and founding father of Tortoise, stated: “We’re honoured and excited on the prospect of working collectively to resume The Observer, a reputation that represents the very best of liberal, pioneering journalism.

“We promise its readers we are going to do all we will to reside as much as its historical past as a defender of human dignity and to offer it a brand new lease of life as a robust, progressive voice on the earth.”

Ole Jacob Sunde, chair of the Scott Belief, brushed apart criticism of the sale, saying: “We knew we would have liked the precise mixture of assets and dedication to construct a brand new platform for the Observer.

“It required an ally to be sufficiently funded, long-term in nature and respect editorial independence and liberal values. I consider we’ve discovered this in Tortoise Media.

“We’re trying ahead to being a part of the subsequent section within the Observer’s journey.”

Additional strike motion stays potential amongst Guardian employees, with the transfer anticipated to be mentioned within the coming days.

#Guardian #indicators #controversial #deal #promote #Observer #Tortoise #Media #Cash #Information

Enterprise Information – Markets experiences and monetary information from Sky

#Guardian #indicators #controversial #deal #promote #Observer #Tortoise #Media #Cash #Information

, 2024-12-06 10:02:00


Luchd-naidheachd Guardian and Observer air stailc mu bhith a’ reic pàipear-naidheachd Didòmhnaich | Naidheachdan na RA

Tha luchd-naidheachd aig The Guardian agus The Observer air stailc 48-uair a thìde a chuir air bhog mar ghearan an-aghaidh reic a’ phàipear-naidheachd Didòmhnaich as sine san t-saoghal.

‘S e an stailc a’ chiad fhear a rinn buill de Aonadh Nàiseanta an Luchd-naidheachd (NUJ) aig na pàipearan-naidheachd ann an còrr is 50 bliadhna.

Tha an gnìomh Diciadain agus Diardaoin mar ghearan na aghaidh an reic a tha san amharc de The Observer to Tortoise Media, companaidh tòiseachaidh a chaidh a stèidheachadh o chionn còig bliadhna le seann neach-deasachaidh Instances Seumas Harding.

Thuirt an t-aonadh gu bheil an stailc aig an aon àm ri The Observer a’ comharrachadh 233 bliadhna bho thòisich e air fhoillseachadh ann an 1791.

Air Diluain, Sky Information aithris gun d’ fhuair e meòrachan air a chuir gu luchd-obrach Guardian Media Group leis an àrd-oifigear Anna Bateson a’ mìneachadh pasgan ath-sgrùdaichte a bha ag amas air luchd-naidheachd a chuir feargach leis na molaidhean.

An uairsin Dimàirt, thug Sky Information cunntas air Ole Jacob Sunde, cathraiche companaidh phàrant The Guardian Urras Scott, ag iarraidh gum fuirich e na phàirt-shealbhadair air The Observer ma thèid an cùmhnant air adhart.

Chuir luchd-obrach loidhne piocaid suas taobh a-muigh prìomh oifis Lunnainn airson tiotalan pàipear-naidheachd.

Thuirt luchd-naidheachd ri Sky Information gu robh “mòran mì-chinnt” air a bhith ann o chionn beagan mhìosan – agus tha iad den bheachd “buinidh an dà phàipear sgoinneil web optimization còmhla”.

Dealbh: Shutterstock
Dealbh: Shutterstock

Thuirt Laura Davison, rùnaire coitcheann an NUJ: “Tha làn thaic bhon NUJ aig luchd-gleidhidh is luchd-amhairc agus iad a’ gabhail os làimh a’ ghnìomhachd gnìomhachais chudromach web optimization – a’ chiad fhear ann an còrr air 50 bliadhna.

“Tha a’ bhòt mhòr airson a’ cheum web optimization a ghabhail a’ sealltainn miann luchd-naidheachd a bhith a’ soilleireachadh gu poblach do luchd-leughaidh agus an fheadhainn a tha os cionn na draghan coitcheann aca mu na tha an dàn don tiotal.

“Tha àite sònraichte agus cudromach aig an Neach-amhairc ann am beatha phoblach agus tha cùram aig ar buill mun ath chaibideil na eachdraidh.

“Tha an t-aonadh ag iarraidh stad anns na còmhraidhean sònraichte gus barrachd ùine a thoirt seachad airson beachdachadh air roghainnean eile agus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil co-dhùnaidhean airson math an dà thiotal.”

Leugh tuilleadh air Sky Information:
Tha seann cheannard MI6 a’ toirt rabhadh mu ionnsaighean bun-structair saidhbear san Ruis
Chaidh còmhlan Breatannach a ghoid aig gunpoint air a’ chiad latha den chuairt

Ron stailc, chuir preasantair Tbh ​​​​fiadh-bheatha agus neach-glèidhteachais Chris Packham a-mach bhidio de thaic air na meadhanan sòisealta aige, ag ràdh: “Chan eil mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bu chòir dhuinn prìs a chuir air an fhìrinn. Tha e duilich a lorg na làithean web optimization.

“Ach lorgaidh sinn e anns The Observer agus The Guardian.

“Tha gluasadan ann airson The Observer a reic a dh’fhaodadh bacadh a chur air an àm ri teachd aige. Chan eil sin math, is e sin as coireach gu bheil mi a’ seasamh ann an dlùth-dhàimh ris an luchd-naidheachd iongantach aige.”

Nuair a chaidh an stailc ainmeachadh an toiseach, thuirt neach-labhairt bhon Guardian gu robh iad ag aithneachadh “neart faireachdainn” nam molaidhean, ach thuirt e: “Ged a tha sinn a’ toirt urram don chòir air stailc, chan eil sinn den bheachd gur e stailc an dòigh gnìomh as fheàrr sa chùis web optimization. agus tha ar còmhraidhean leis an NUJ a’ leantainn.

“Is e ar prìomhachas seirbheis a thoirt don luchd-leughaidh againn agus taic a thoirt don luchd-obrach againn, gus an urrainn don Guardian agus The Observer cumail orra a’ brosnachadh naidheachdas libearalach agus a bhith a’ soirbheachadh ann an àrainneachd dùbhlanach sna meadhanan.”

#Luchdnaidheachd #Guardian #Observer #air #stailc #bhith #reic #pàipearnaidheachd #Didòmhnaich #Naidheachdan

UK Information – The most recent headlines from the UK | Sky Information

#Luchdnaidheachd #Guardian #Observer #air #stailc #bhith #reic #pàipearnaidheachd #Didòmhnaich #Naidheachdan

, 2024-12-04 09:27:00


Guardian journalists launch 48-hour strike in protest at deliberate sale of the Observer to Tortoise Media

NUJ members on the Guardian and Observer are strolling out for the primary time in additional than 50 years

#Guardian #journalists #launch #48hour #strike #protest #deliberate #sale #Observer #Tortoise #Media

The Customary

#Guardian #journalists #launch #48hour #strike #protest #deliberate #sale #Observer #Tortoise #Media

Alan Jones , 2024-12-04 07:34:00


Guardian proprietor’s chair in determined bid to reassure workers over Observer sale | Cash Information

The chair of The Guardian’s mum or dad firm has insisted that it’s going to stay a part-owner of The Observer hours earlier than workers stroll out over the sale of the world’s oldest Sunday newspaper.

Sky Information has obtained a memo despatched on Tuesday afternoon by Ole Jacob Sunde, chair of the Scott Belief, pledging that The Observer could be ruled by a “mature board construction” if the cope with Tortoise Media goes forward.

In it, he stated the transaction must meet 5 standards for it to be authorized by the Scott Belief board, together with for it “to remain on as a part-owner of The Observer”.

Reviews on the weekend recommended that it will take a small stake in Tortoise itself to fulfil that requirement.

Cash newest: Drivers may save £50 on cowl after compensation adjustments

Mr Sunde additionally stated that: The Observer would want to have “safe and sustainable long-term funding”; different house owners of the 233 year-old Sunday title would have “to take a long-term view of their funding”; and all house owners must “embody the values of editorial independence, press freedoms and liberal journalism which have been a part of the Observer’s ethos since we purchased it in 1993”.

He added that the newspaper would want to “ruled by a mature board construction, with a task for the Scott Belief on the Tortoise Media editorial and industrial boards”.

His message got here earlier than scores of Guardian workers are anticipated to strike for the primary time in many years in protest on the sale.

On Monday, Sky Information revealed that Observer workers who transfer with the world’s oldest Sunday newspaper to Tortoise Media shall be supplied continued entry to Guardian job openings as a part of a last-ditch compromise deal.

Anna Bateson, the Guardian Media Group (GMG) chief government who’s coming beneath more and more intense criticism over the deal, stated that journalists who didn’t want to switch to Tortoise Media could be supplied a “time-limited” voluntary redundancy scheme.

She stated that “enhanced redundancy phrases could be maintained post-transfer for a interval nonetheless being negotiated”.

Final week, Dale Vince, the eco-entrepreneur, confirmed that he could be curious about investing in The Observer if the sale to Tortoise Media fell via.

Final month, Sky Information revealed that the Scott Belief would proceed to personal a stake in The Observer if the deal went via.

The primary in a collection of two-day strikes is because of start on Wednesday, with some division heads who’re union members stated to really feel conflicted over the strike motion.

Ms Bateson insisted: “Our precedence has at all times been to protect the Observer’s 233-year legacy and make sure the proposed settlement is as robust as it may be for employees, readers and the way forward for liberal journalism.”

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Tortoise, which was co-founded by the previous Occasions editor James Harding, has pledged to retain the newspaper’s deal with areas corresponding to the humanities and tradition, and stated it will make investments £25m in it over a five-year interval.

Nevertheless, that pledge has already been examined by the resignation of Jay Rayner, The Observer’s long-serving restaurant critic.

A Scott Belief spokesperson declined to remark.

#Guardian #house owners #chair #determined #bid #reassure #workers #Observer #sale #Cash #Information

Enterprise Information – Markets experiences and monetary information from Sky

#Guardian #house owners #chair #determined #bid #reassure #workers #Observer #sale #Cash #Information

, 2024-12-03 18:00:00


Bidh ceannard an Guardian a’ tabhann lasachaidhean den dìg mu dheireadh air thoiseach air stailc | Naidheachdan Airgid

Gheibh luchd-obrach air The Observer a ghluaiseas leis a’ phàipear-naidheachd Didòmhnaich as sine san t-saoghal gu Tortoise Media cothrom leantainneach air fosglaidhean obrach Guardian mar phàirt de chùmhnant co-rèiteachaidh dìg mu dheireadh a thèid a thabhann ron chiad stailc aig a’ chompanaidh ann an deicheadan.

Tha Sky Information air meòrachan fhaighinn a chaidh a chuir gu luchd-obrach Guardian Media Group Diluain le Anna Bateson, àrd-oifigear na companaidh, a tha a’ mìneachadh pasgan ath-sgrùdaichte a tha ag amas air luchd-naidheachd feargach a chuir an sàs agus iad ag ullachadh airson gnìomh gnìomhachais Diciadain.

Anns an nota aice don luchd-obrach, thuirt Ms Bateson gu bheil i fhèin agus neach-deasachaidh an Guardian Kath Viner “a’ cluinntinn na cùisean dìoghrasach a tha co-obraichean a ’dèanamh mu reic an Observer a tha san amharc”, agus thuirt i gun deidheadh ​​​​a thabhann do luchd-naidheachd nach eil airson gluasad gu Tortoise Media. sgeama neo-obrach saor-thoileach le ceann-ùine”.

An t-airgead as ùire: Is fhiach an aon stuth a tha gach eòlaiche ag aontachadh a h-uile sgillinn

Thuirt i gun deidheadh ​​“cumhachan name obrach leasaichte a chumail às deidh a’ ghluasad airson ùine a bha fhathast ri rèiteachadh”.

Thuirt Stòran gu robh Urras Scott, am pàrant mu dheireadh aig The Guardian, gu bhith a’ cumail coinneamh air-loidhne feasgar Diluain am measg aimhreit mhòr bho luchd-deasachaidh a’ chompanaidh agus luchd-ùidh eile.

An t-seachdain sa chaidh, dhearbh Dale Vince, an neach-tionnsgain eco, gum biodh ùidh aige ann a bhith a’ tasgadh anns an Observer nan tigeadh an reic ri Tortoise Media troimhe.

Dh’fhoillsich Sky Information sin san Dàmhair bhiodh sealbh fhathast aig Urras Scott anns an Observer nan deidheadh ​​​​an aonta seachad, ach aig an deireadh-sheachdain thuirt an Sunday Instances gun deach search engine marketing a chuir na àite le gealltanas a chaidh a cho-rèiteachadh airson an urras a bhith na neach-earrannan ann an Tortoise Media fhèin.

Tha dùil gun tòisich a’ chiad fhear ann an sreath de stailcean dà-latha Diciadain, agus thathar ag ràdh gu bheil cuid de cheannardan roinnean a tha nam buill den aonadh a’ faireachdainn gu bheil iad connspaideach mun ghnìomh stailc.

Dealbh: An Neach-amhairc
Tha dùil gun tòisich luchd-naidheachd air stailc an t-seachdain search engine marketing. Dealbh: An Neach-amhairc

Anns a’ mheòrachan aice Diluain, sgrìobh Ms Bateson: “Tha sinn ag aithneachadh gur dòcha nach eil cuid de dhaoine airson gluasad gu Tortoise Media agus bhiodh sinn a’ tabhann sgeama name dreuchd saor-thoileach cuibhrichte ùine do luchd-obrach Observer air na h-aon chumhachan a rinn sinn as t-samhradh.

“Bhiodh na cumhachan name obrach leasaichte a th’ againn an-dràsta air an cumail às deidh an gluasad airson ùine a tha fhathast air a cho-rèiteachadh.

“Bhiodh cothrom aig luchd-amhairc a ghluaiseas gu Tortoise Media cuideachd tagradh a dhèanamh airson dreuchdan fosgailte“ taobh a-staigh a-mhàin ”aig an Guardian airson ùine a tha fhathast ri rèiteachadh.

“Bhiodh cùmhnantan neo-cheangailte air an leudachadh gu deireadh an t-Sultain 2025 agus air an ath-rèiteachadh aig an ìre sin.”

Thuirt i gum biodh an fheadhainn a tha a’ gluasad gu Tortoise Media “a’ cumail na h-aon thiotalan obrach, tuarastalan agus sochairean, a’ toirt a-steach còraichean saor-làithean, nan deidheadh ​​​​an aonta air adhart tro ‘TUPE’. [Transfer of Undertakings [Protection of Employment]]”.

Agus thuirt i: “B’ e ar prìomhachas a-riamh dìleab 233-bliadhna an Neach-amhairc a ghlèidheadh ​​​​agus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an t-aonta a chaidh a mholadh cho làidir ‘s as urrainn dha a bhith airson luchd-obrach, luchd-leughaidh agus àm ri teachd naidheachdas libearalach.”

Leugh tuilleadh bho Sky Information:
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Tha Tortoise, a chaidh a cho-stèidheachadh le seann neach-deasachaidh an Instances, Seumas Harding, air gealltainn fòcas a’ phàipear-naidheachd a chumail air raointean leithid na h-ealain agus cultar, agus thuirt e gun cuireadh e £ 25m an seilbh ann thairis air còig bliadhna.

Ach, chaidh an gealladh sin a dhearbhadh mu thràth nuair a leig Jay Rayner dheth a dhreuchd, neach-breithneachaidh taigh-bìdh The Observer o chionn fhada.

Dhiùlt neach-labhairt GMG tuilleadh beachd a thoirt seachad.

#Bidh #ceannard #Guardian #tabhann #lasachaidhean #den #dìg #dheireadh #air #thoiseach #air #stailc #Naidheachdan #Airgid

Enterprise Information – Markets reviews and monetary information from Sky

#Bidh #ceannard #Guardian #tabhann #lasachaidhean #den #dìg #dheireadh #air #thoiseach #air #stailc #Naidheachdan #Airgid

, 2024-12-02 16:08:00